Boissy Park Action Group

September 2022

Update - 8th November 2022

The planning application has now been submitted onto the planning portal.

Anderson Group have now submitted the outline application 5/2022/2557 on the planning portal. The window to comment is opened until 26th November 2022, we urge all neighbours to submit comments either via the portal or by sending an email to [email protected].

As residents of Boissy Close and nearby area we object the planned development on the basis of:

  • Loss of openness and harm to Green Belt
  • Inadequate road access for development
  • Development not in keeping with the surrounding area
  • Inadequate capacity of nearby roads
  • Excavation of soil contaminated with spent calcium carbide
  • Potential impact/damage to surrounding buildings on Boissy Close and Swans Close resulting from heavy traffic and potential need for piled foundations

We do need to show solidarity and demonstrate strength of feeling, and we encourage each household member to submit comments on the portal making sure to indicate that you object to the development

There are a number of comments already submitted on the portal, from residents, from Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, as well as planning consultant instructed by residents.

Dear Neighbour

Impending development of Boissy Park

As you are most probably already aware the owner of the land behind Boissy Close that we all know as Boissy Park has decided to ‘develop’ it in partnership with a consortium of companies led by the Anderson Group. The draft plan that was presented a few months ago shows their intent to completely fill this small area with up to 44 dwellings including blocks of flats. Construction time alone is estimated at two years.

Proposed Development

Notwithstanding the intent to wilfully destroy the environment and yet another chunk of our beloved Green-Belt it will also significantly affect all the residents in the area. It will increase noise, traffic, pollution, create safety issues for the local school plus added mayhem to the already chaotic rush hours and school runs.

What you may not be aware of is that there is an ever-growing group of us that has organised to fight this on several fronts.

Getting involved

We would like to invite you to join us so you can see what we are doing and perhaps bring some ideas and get involved.

We communicate via regular face-to-face meetings and use a WhatsApp chat group for general updates.

If you are interested in joining us please come along and if you would like to join our chat group please send an email message with your name and where you live to one of the contacts below,

We also welcome anyone to express their dissatisfaction directly with the council and developers and I have added the key contacts involved in the planning process to the side of this page.

The interim planning application is expected within the month and there are things we can all do to contest this the moment it is submitted so time is most definitely of the essence.

Yours faithfully
Boissy Park Action Group